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According to the campaign, 60% of all roadworkers and other people working on the public highway, for example, get abused on a daily basis.

The negative impact of this on the mental health of the individuals subjected to the abuse is something which is, inevitably, of concern to employers.
Think Respect aims to empower the workforce and influence a change of attitudes towards public facing workers, specifically those working on the Public Highway.
Incidents included being threatened with a gun, a knife and a machete attack.
In 2023 a total of 2307 reported being either verbally or physically abused whilst at work out on the public highway.
Over 60% of those in Public Facing roles admit they are abused on a weekly basis.
Over 70% of admit they are abused at least once a month.
Over 80% admit they do not report abuse because they feel nothing will be done.
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